Parent's Page
Check-In Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Sunday
Check-Out Time: 7pm Friday night after supper
Please do not bring pets on registration day
Alcohol and smoking is prohibited on camp property
Check-In Time: Daily 8:30 at the OFFICE
Check-Out Time: 4:30 at the OFFICE
We will provide lunch and a snack.
Everyday there will be a small canteen (Le Iceberg) open during a set amount of time in which campers may purchase soft drinks, juice, chocolate bars,popsicles and other candies. Please send some money for your child. (sugg. $20.00) Hats, t-shirts, hoodies, and other cool Camp Livingstone merchandise will also be available fore purchase at Le Iceberg (in the case you want your child to have a souvenir, bring more than what was suggested). Please note that it is preferable to pre-purchase any clothing articles.
DO NOT bring: Cell phones or any other electronic devices, inappropriate literature/images, knives, pocket knives, alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. Campers may their own cameras (not phones), however Camp Livingstone will not be held responsible for any lost or stolen items.
- Medical card & prescribed medications.
- Sleeping bag, pillow and/or bedding
- Warm pyjamas
- Running shoes for hikes and games. (Sandles or crocs are not adequate for many camp activities.)
- Towels, soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and other toiletries
- Bring enough clothes for the entire camp session.
- Swimsuit (No bikini types permitted)
- Laundry or plastic bag (for wet and dirty clothes)
- a Bible if you have one, if not, no problem, we will provide one.
- *Indicate camper's name on all clothing & belongings.
Campers LOVE mail.
By Email: Place the camper's name in the "Subject line" and e-mail to
You may send "snail mail" to the CAMP ADDRESS (Not to the post office box. It is slower.) Camp Livingstone, 120 René, Canton Stanstead QC J1X 3W2
Campers cannot be reached by phone while at camp. For any inquiries, please call 819-843-2019 or 1-844-848-8938 between 9:00-11:30 and 1:30-4:30. In the event we are busy with another call, please leave a message if you wish us to call you back. If there is an emergency, please call anytime, we will respond as soon as we can.
Campers ARE NOT permitted to call home. For urgent matters, such as illness or emergency, we will contact you. We will also contact you if your child makes it clear to us that they are terribly unhappy.
Campers are not permitted to bring a mobile phone to camp. However, campers do love letters!
Please complete and return the camper medical form as soon as possible after registering (if registration is done online, you will find the medical form there). Be sure to advise the camp nurse at check-in if there are any changes since completing the form. Bring all appropriate prescribed medicines and, if you wish, Tylenol or Advil. All medicines will be kept in a locked cabinet and administered only by camp staff.
Upon arrival, we screen for COVID-19 and flu like symptoms. Any camper with fever or COVID-19 symptoms will not be permitted to stay at camp. We will reschedule your child if possible for another week or offer a refund.
We will not screen for lice. Please take care to verify (and treat if necessary) your child for presence of lice before camp.
We will treat minor injuries (scrapes, bruises) and minor illness such as headaches or tummy aches at camp. We will advise the parents/guardian in the event of any significant or severe injury or illness. In these rare cases, the child may need to be picked up early.
Camp Livingstone is committed to providing a wholesome and enjoyable environment for each and every camper. Safety is emphasized at all times. Each person’s readiness to follow the Code of Conduct will help us ensure the safety and well-being of everyone.
You will receive the camper code of conduct when you register.
The camp reserves the right to send home any camper who will not abide by the Camp regulations.
If you registered on line through Qidigo, you need to complete your personal information and enter your social insurance number ON your Qidigo account in order to receive your Relevé 24 slip.
If you registered by phone or mail, please fill out the form Request for Releve 24 and send it to the camp before the start of the child's week at camp.
Camp fees cover only part of the overall camping program costs. Volunteer staff as well as donations, help make this camping program possible at a reduced rate. Your donations are appreciated and will be receipted for income tax purposes. Thank you! Contact us for more information.
Upcoming Events
Family & Friends Winter Day:
High Tea Fundraiser: